Anthology of short stories by five contemporary Brazilian writers
Set in various locations across Minas Gerais, one of Brazil's most charming and beloved states, Em cada canto: cinco contos de Natal (loosely translated as Five Christimas Tales) brings together narratives by acclaimed contemporary Brazilian writers who embraced the challenge of creating heartwarming Christmas fiction. The cover art is by Reticolo Soarez Studio.
In O melhor Natal da história (The Best Christmas in History) by Emanoel Ferreira, something intriguing occurs: utterly unexpected for almost any city in a tropical country, a snowstorm blankets Belo Horizonte in white. Twelve-year-old Bruno is as happy as can be; for the first time, December looks just like the Christmas movies Hollywood has always insisted on showing.
But what could have caused this phenomenon? Meteorologists in the news are clueless. At Bruno’s house, however, his mysterious parents seem to know more than ordinary people should.
Discover other remarkable works in the collection:
In Bisa (Great-Gran), Bianca Pontes will move you with a Christmas dinner where longing takes center stage;
In Uma lembrança pelos anos de atraso (A Reminder of the Forgotten Years), Jadna Alana recalls those for whom Christmas seems like it wasn’t made;
In Uma tese de Natal (A Christmas Thesis), Monique & Maitê de Magalhães, a mother-daughter duo, present a definitive investigation into Santa Claus;
In Frio (Cold), Samuel Medina takes us along with a sluggish writer on his quest for inspiration to craft a Christmas story.
Enjoy the anthology!