The Conceição Evaristo Prize for Afrofuturist Literature

This is an update for those who follow my work.
I won another literary award. Excellent news to start the year.
This is the Conceição Evaristo Prize for Afrofuturist Literature, from the Palmares Foundation & Brazilian Ministry of Culture. The initiative, which included a public notice and received applications in 2023, has just awarded 3 authors with R$30,000 each. A formidable incentive for this necessary subgenre of science fiction, which speculates other futures for black people. I won with the still unpublished novelette "The Point of No Return".
When will people be able to read the work? I have no information. The publishing and adaptation rights become, according to the notice, a prerogative of Fundação Palmares. I'll tell you on my social media when I know more. And here on this blog too.
A shoutout to Conceição Evaristo, the fantastic author (my counterpart, just like me born in Belo Horizonte city) who gave the title to the award, and to Fundação Palmares.
What else? I honestly hope that ChatGPT made a competent translation of the text you just read. Goodbye.